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Falx Cerebri Calcification Treatment

Falx Cerebri Calcification: A Common and Physiological Finding

WEB Calcification of the falx cerebri is Common

Calcification of the falx cerebri is a common finding in computed tomography (CT) scans of the brain. It is considered a physiological calcification, meaning that it is a normal part of the aging process and is not usually a sign of any underlying pathology.

Large Intracranial Calcifications

In some cases, large intracranial calcifications may be encountered. These calcifications are usually located in the falx cerebri or other intracranial structures, such as the tentorium cerebelli or choroid plexus. They are often incidental findings on CT scans and are not usually associated with any symptoms or neurological deficits.

WEB Point of Care: Clinical Decision Support for Neuroanatomy

For more information on WEB Point of Care and its clinical decision support tools for neuroanatomy, please visit the website at www.webpointcare.com/neuroanatomy.
