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Barcarole Klavier Noten Pdf

Barcarolle from Les Contes d'Hoffmann: A Romantic Masterpiece

A Journey into the Realm of Love and Loss

The Barcarolle's Origins

Composed by French composer Jacques Offenbach in 1881, the Barcarolle is an enchanting aria from the opera "Les Contes d'Hoffmann." It depicts the main character, Hoffmann, serenading his beloved Antonia.

With its haunting melody and elegant orchestration, the Barcarolle perfectly captures the essence of the romantic era. Its evocative lyrics paint a vivid picture of a gondola gliding through the Venetian canals, as Hoffmann pours out his heart to Antonia.

Musical Analysis

The Barcarolle is characterized by its flowing triple meter, which creates a swaying, lullaby-like effect. Its rich harmonies and delicate ornamentation add depth and elegance to the composition.

The song begins with a simple yet unforgettable melody, accompanied by a gentle accompaniment from the harp and strings. As Hoffmann's emotions intensify, the music grows more intense, reaching a passionate climax before fading into a poignant conclusion.

Lyrical Interpretation

The Barcarolle's lyrics are just as captivating as its music. They express Hoffmann's longing for Antonia, his fear of losing her, and his ultimate acceptance of his tragic fate.

In the opening lines, Hoffmann sings: "Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour!" (Beautiful night, oh night of love!). He paints a picture of a moonlit gondola ride, where he and Antonia can escape the world and lose themselves in their love.

As the song progresses, Hoffmann's mood shifts. He realizes that his happiness with Antonia is fleeting, as she is destined to a life of suffering. He sings: "Elle va mourir" (She is going to die), expressing his anguish and despair.

In the final verse, Hoffmann comes to terms with his loss. He sings: "Allons! Allons! Vers d'autres amours!" (Come on! Come on! Towards other loves!). While the pain of losing Antonia will never completely disappear, Hoffmann accepts that life must go on.

Historical Significance

The Barcarolle has become one of the most iconic arias in the opera repertoire. Its popularity is due in part to its timeless melody, which has inspired countless interpretations throughout history.

The Barcarolle has been featured in numerous films, television shows, and recordings. It has been performed by renowned opera singers such as Luciano Pavarotti, Maria Callas, and Plácido Domingo.


The Barcarolle from "Les Contes d'Hoffmann" is a masterpiece of the romantic era. Its haunting melody, elegant orchestration, and poignant lyrics have captivated audiences for centuries. As a testament to its enduring appeal, the Barcarolle continues to be performed and enjoyed by music lovers around the world.
